Monday, August 11, 2008

Lao po...

This was forwarded by a friend to me and i'd like to share it with everyone out there....

珍惜自己的所爱世界上 没有後悔药. 妻子是 个小尾巴,我走到 哪里她都要问到哪里. 我厌烦,她却 乐此不疲。 可是,这个小尾巴却在那个下着大雨的 深夜永远消失了.我的心 情非常难过,内心充满了内疚和痛楚 ,我无法原谅自己的过错。结婚那天,老婆用买戒指的钱给我买了一款手机。 那天夜里,我们两人在 被窝里一遍遍地调试着手机的响铃.我们觉得,生活就像这铃声,响亮, 悦耳,充满着憧憬和希望。 从那天开 始,我常常接到她的电话: '老公, 下班了买点菜回家。 '老公,我想你,我爱你。 '老公,晚上一起去妈妈家吃饭。 '我 的心里十分温暖。 有一次,我忘了给手机充电,又恰好陪领导到基层,应 酬到半夜才回到家,推开房 门一看,我发现老婆早已哭红了眼睛 。 原来从我下班时间开始,她每隔一刻钟就打一次电话,我都不在服务区。 老婆更加着急,总以为发生了什么意外,后来每隔十分钟打一 次, 直到我推开家门,她刚把话筒放下。 我对老婆的小题大做不以为然: '我又不是小孩子,还能出什么事情 ?'老婆却说有一种预感,觉得我不接电话就 不会回来了,我拍拍老婆的脑袋, 笑了:'傻瓜!'不过,从此以后我 一 直没有忘记及时给手机充电 。后来我升了职,有了钱, 手机换了 好几个。突然有一天,我想起欠着老 婆的那枚戒指,便兴冲冲地拉她去商厦。 可是她又犹豫了,说:'白金钻戒套在手指上有什么用啊?给我买个 手机好吗?我可以经常跟你联系。' 于是我就给她买了一个手机。那天,我们一个在卧室,一个在客 厅,互相发着短信息,玩得高兴极了。一天夜里,我和同事到朋 友家玩牌,正玩在兴头上, 老婆打来 了电话:'你在哪里?怎么还不回家? '我在同事家里玩牌。' '你什么时候回来?' '呆会儿吧 。'输了赢,赢了输, 老婆的电话打 了一次又一次。外面下起了大雨, 老婆的电话又响了:'你究竟在哪里?在干什么?快? 乩矗? '没告诉你吗 ?我在同事家玩,下这么大的雨我怎么回去!' '那你告诉我你在什么地方,我来接你!' '不用了!'一起打牌的朋友都嘲笑我'妻管严',一气之下, 我把手机关了。天亮了,我输得两手空空,朋友用车子把我送回家,不料家门紧锁,老婆不在家。 就在这时,电话响了,是岳母打来的,电话那头哭着说:'她深夜冒着雨出来 ,骑着自行车,带着雨伞去我同事家找, 找了一家又一家,路上出了车祸,再也没有醒来。我打开手机,只见上面有一条未 读留言: '你忘记了吗?今天是我们的结 婚周年纪念曰呀!我去找你了,别乱 跑,我带着伞!'她走在找我的路上,永远不会再醒来了。 我泪流满面,一遍遍看着这条短信息,我觉得那 一个晚上我输了整个世界。老婆去世已 经3个月,可我仍然无法从噩梦中醒 来......

This is basically the content (ya, i know u can't read it, don't be puzzled...):

Cherish your love one, there is no drug for regret. My wife was like a little tail, she would follow wherever i go, but this little tail disappeared in that rainy night for good. I was so regretful that i couldn't forgive myself. On the day of our wedding, lao po used the money meant for the ring to buy me a handphone. Since then, i'd always received her calls like "lao kong, get some vege back after your work", "lao kong, i miss you, i love you" etc. It was so heart-warming. There was one time when i forgot to recharge my battery and coincidentally I'd work to do and only late in the night that i reached home. Once opened the door, lao po's eyes were already swollen up. She cried as she thought something bad happened to me since she could not reach me. From then onwards, I'd never failed to recharge my battery. Later on, I was promoted, I'd more money and changed my phone for few times. I bought her a handphone after she refused the diamond ring that i owed her. then, we started to message each other frequently. One rainy night, i stayed over to gamble at one of my friend's place. Then i received her call again, "where are you now, why not home yet?", "i'm gambling at my friend's place", "when are you coming back?", "a little while after this". Not long after that, she called up again, "where are you right now? why hasn't back yet?", "how am i going back in such a heavy downpour?!", "then where are you, i'll fetch you instead". Being teased by friends, i was so annoyeyed, "no need!" and switched my phone off. The next morning, when i got back home, lao po was not there. A call from my mother-in law told me that lao po passed away in an accident as she was looking for me from one place to another with an umbrella while cycling in the rain the night before. I switched on my phone only did i realzed there was an unread message from her, "don't u remember, today is our anniversary, don't go away, i'm coming to you with an umbrella". She had never wake up again, out of sudden, i felt that i lost the whole world on that night. Lao po had left me for 3 months but i am still not able to wake up from my nightmare..
Hopefully all of us would get something out of this story...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...



