Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Concentrate on Solution, Not Problem

Couple of days ago, I borrowed a book from library, named 'You Are What You Think' by Doug Hooper. I borrowed it as i thought i would like to read something other than medical stuff in order to ease my mind. After reading it, I was really inspired and motivated!
According to the author, anyone, no matter what is his or her present circumstances, has the inner power to change his life for better. One's happiness need not be dependent upon what others say or the manner in which they act. Instead, it is one's thoughts and actions that are the determining factors in one's life.
One of the story which touched me the most in the book is a story from the book of Daniel written in Old Testament. It was about a story whereby Daniel was thrown into the lion's den.
Daniel was locked in the den with several lions which had been purposely starved for the occasion. If this had been you or I, I'm sure we would have placed our attention onto the lions. Not Daniel, however!
There was a light coming into the den from above. It was upon this light that he placed his entire concentration as he prayed, and he was saved. From the perspective of Christian, his prayer was answered and God salvaged him. However, from ordinary human's point of view, as what intepreted by late Emmet Fox, a noted author and lecturer, the lions represented problems in our lives while the light was the freedom to Daniel, or the solution to his immediate problem. By turning his attention away from the problem and focusing instead upon the solution, he was saved. The lions (or problems) lost their power to harm him.
Most of us set goals, then think of all the obstcles that stand in the way of our achieving them. By concentrating upon the 'light' or solution, instead upon the problems, the obstacles become as harmless as did the lions in the story of Daniel.
George Willing, the famed moutain climber, once said something about overcoming fear: " Block out all thoughts of falling from your mind and place your attention upon your destination." Therefore, for anyone out there (included me), do not frown at your problems, instead, concentrating upon the solution and we shall achieve our goals!


wwsmin said...

thanks for sharing dear...

wwsmin said...

you are most welcome..
think we really need to forget about the obstacles ahead us especially in this critical year.